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Infinite Campus
Infinite Campus help
Students Steps
Trouble logging in?
There are self service options for both forgot password and forgot username information on the Infinite Campus log in page.
We have a video tutorial here on how to use this function.
Still having trouble?
Write an email to davidlora@achievementfirst.org from your AF scholar email. If you do not use your AF email you will be asked to do so before your request can be fulfilled. Please write a full email as shown below.
I cannot log into my infinite campus account after trying the self service options, [Write out your issue]
Can you please help?
Thank you,
parent steps
Trouble logging in?
There are self service options for both forgot password and forgot username information on the Infinite Campus log in page.
We have a video tutorial here on how to use this function.
Still having trouble?
Write an email to davidlora@achievementfirst.org with the answer to the following questions. Do not submit requests for your scholar, have them follow the steps above.
The full name of your scholar
Your full name and relation to the scholar.
The issue you are experiencing ( need account/can’t log in)
How to use Infinite Campus/Parent Portal
Helpful information for access
There are 2 different apps available for Iphone and Android in the App Store or Market Place
It matters which app you use, Student for students, parent for parents.
You may also log in directly via the website http://portal.afamistadhs.org
If asked for the district or district code it is Achievement First
How to guide & useful information
Logging into a Chromebook for the first time?
General Chromebook Troubleshooting
Using Google Classroom
How to access your clever portal from any device
Chromebook/WiFI Usage Form
Achievement First User Agreement For Student Chromebooks
Click here
Chromebook information and expectations
Technology Requirements. SY 23/24
All Students are expected to have a Chromebook and charger for each day of school.
School owned Chromebook and chargers can be loaned as needed with no charge to parents and families to use.
In coming 9th grade students will receive a new Amistad Chromebook as they were instructed to turn in their middle school Chromebooks at the end of 8th grade.
10th, 11th, and 12th grade students were instructed to keep their devices over the summer to be ready to use for the first day of school.
Expectations for the first week of school SY 23/24
8/24/23 - No Chromebooks needed, incoming 9th grade students will have an opportunity to pick up a device if they haven’t already.
8/25/23 - Chromebooks will now be needed for each day of school, charged and ready.
What do I do if I have a Chromebook issue - No matter your issue (lost/damaged/IDK), if you need assistance with your Chromebook this is the process to follow always. Tell a teacher to, or directly email (davidlora@achievementfirst.org) Mr. Lora the
WHO- Your full name
WHAT - what the issue is to the best of your knowledge
WHERE - what room number you are in
Someone will come to you, expect delays with the start of school.
Loaners - Loaners are available for students who forget their device and need one for school for the day.
Cut off to request a loaner is 9 am
Snow days and other time affected days will not have loaners available.
The process to request a loaner is the same as a tech issue ( see above, email the who what where)
Can I use a personal device at school?
Only Chromebooks ( any model or brand) are allowed to be on school Wifi.
Tablets, Ipads, laptops and any other device that is not a Chromebook cannot be connected to school wifi and scholars will have to provide their own internet if they do not want a school Chromebook.
This option is not recommended and scholars will be accountable for missing work.
What technical support is available?
There is support for scholars with school owned Chromebooks only.
Due to manufacturer/ warranty/purchase coverage Amistad High School cannot repair or troubleshoot devices that are not owned by the school. Reach out to your device manufacturer with any repair needs.
Amistad High school is not responsible for damage/ lost/ stolen of any personal devices ( laptops, phone, smart watches, chargers ect).
Support for students with school owned device needs and repairs is available almost daily. Any student with a tech issue can email davidlora@achievementfirst directly or notify a teacher to email of their issue if they are unable to do so.
Once the request is received, tech support will come to the students' class room to assist.
What if I forget my Chromebook?
Chromebooks can be loaned out to students who forget and report their need to report to a teacher their needs.
The cut off for loaner requests is 9 a.m.
Snow delays and other time affected school days loaners will not be available.
What if I lost my charger?
There is a $25 replacement fee for lost/ damaged/ stolen chargers.
Due to the high volume we do not loan chargers. Students must plan to come prepared for class or they can purchase an additional charger from the school.
Chargers are readily available on amazon for spares or replacements.
Click here if you would like to purchase a suggested off brand.
Are there fees involved with Chromebooks?
If the Chromebook and charger are turned in at the end of their tenure at Amistad with no major issues or breakage there are no fees involved in using school devices.
Scholars are responsible for any lost/ damaged/ stolen issue with any school devices in their care.
If a scholar has excessive lost/ damage/ stolen fees they may be excluded from using school devices and will have to provide their own.
Fees can range from $15 to $300/ the full cost of the device.
Take care of your Chromebook
Whether a school owned or personal device it is important to treat your Chromebook carefully and make sure it is fully charged before in person or remote learning.
General precautions
No food or drink should be near the Chromebooks.
Be careful of the identification stickers on the bottom of your Chromebook. They will help identify the device as yours if it is found or when you turn it in for collection.
Be mindful of where your cord is plugged in with tripping hazards or tight spacing in mind.
Heavy objects should never be placed on top of the Chromebook, this also includes heavy objects in your bookbag.
Over-stuffing your bag can damage your Chromebook.
Carrying Chromebooks
Always Transport Chromebooks with care.
Never lift Chromebooks by their screen.
Never carry Chromebooks with the screen open.
Prohibited use
Scholars are responsible for actions and activities involving school computers, networks,internet services, personal information, files, passwords, and accounts.
Examples of prohibited use:
Sharing academic work that creates an unfair advantage in work completion.
Listening to music or viewing videos that are not explicitly assigned for learning.
Discussions using text or messaging features with other students or staff.
Viewing distracting content - social media, games, virtual spaces not explicitly for learning.
Illegal activities are prohibited on these devices
Copying software, media, or other files without permission.
All forms of harassment and bullying.
Monitoring Policy
Please click here to read our full policy on monitoring of School devices and Accounts.
Resources for help with home internet
If you are without internet Or have Poor Internet Connection
Emergency Broadband Benefit program provided by the FCC
We wanted to share this news with you of an Emergency Broadband Benefit program provided by the FCC. Here is a description taken from the website.
“The Emergency Broadband Benefit will provide a discount of up to $50 per month towards broadband service for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands. Eligible households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers if they contribute more than $10 and less than $50 toward the purchase price.”
Please head to this link for details and to see if you qualify https://www.fcc.gov/broadbandbenefit
The best and most stable option for internet and at home learning is landline internet from a service provider. There are many programs available and to those who qualify may receive discounted or free service. Here is a list of a few programs available, there may be move available than provided. Achievement First is not affiliated with any of these products or services.
Spectrum - Spectrum is offering free wifi access to families with K-12 students who don't already have a Spectrum account
CT.Gov Keep connected - a variety of programs from other service providers.
Internetessentials- Offers special deals for families who qualify.
Help with back to school broadband - A list of programs for providers that may offer discounts or free service for those who qualify.
We understand that there are still many families having difficulty with their current internet to properly support at home learning. There is an opportunity to improve your home internet connection if you meet certain qualifications.
You have a modem or combination router/modem in your home.
It has available ethernet ports available to plug into.
Scholars are able to work within 6ft of the modem, router/modem.
You are able to make an appointment at Amistad High School.
If you do not meet these qualifications this solution will not improve your service.
The potential solution works via the use of a provided 6ft ethernet cable and an adaptor that plugs into your students Chromebook or laptop to give it direct access to the internet rather than wireless to improve connection quality.
If you would like to try this solution please contact heatherpascale@achievementfirst.org to set up an appointment at the high school to pick up these items. You MUST set up an appointment for pick up or no one will be at the building to assist you .
The equipment is easy to use and mostly plug and play set up. Meaning once it’s connected it should work right away. If not, I have made a video demonstrating its use.
There is a chance this may not help your performance but it is worth a try.
3. Achievement first Mifi Program
The Achievement First Mifi Program has ended. If you are in need of a device please email Heatherpascale@achievementfirst.org to inquire about returned unused devices. Currently we can only hand out devices if ones are returned to us from other families.